Evaluation of applications of good practices in the management to social projects for nonprofit sector institutions
project management, social projects, nonprofit sector, best practices.Abstract
This article aims to evaluate applications of the processes and best practices recommended by the project management in social projects developed in institutions of the nonprofit sector. These initiatives feature particularities that are challenging to classic business project management. At first, the similarities between business and social projects were identified; subsequently, some difficulties inherent to social work were identified that negatively influence project management, such as financial constraint, unavailability of resources, lack of managerial experience and project-oriented tools. The research design was based on an exploratory study, with a qualitative approach conducted through a semi-structured survey route with managers from 5 NGOs, using the content analysis method with the use of Nvivo software. As a result, the relationships of these organizations to the practices suggested by the PMBOK which relates to Scope, Time, Costs, Risks and Quality processes were analyzed and identified. In addition, it was observed that, despite the difficulties typically imposed on the nonprofit sector, managers demonstrated a knowledge of good project practices, in which some of them proved to be applicable to the realities of NGOs.References
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