The relationship between planning and project success under the effects of risk and professional training




Project planning, Risk, Professional training, Project success


Planning is considered one of the greatest contributors to project success. Researchers have focused on the behavior of this relationship in various contexts. It is suggested that projects exposed to higher levels of risk require a greater need to plan to achieve success, while projects with a greater number of trained professionals demand less need for planning to achieve success. The present study investigates the influence of planning to project success under different risk levels and participation of trained professionals in Brazil’s projects. Therefore, moderating effects based on the analysis of 257 project managers’ responses were studied, through Structural Equations Modeling. The results show that the level of risk moderates the impact of the planning on the Project Efficiency success dimension, while the participation of trained professionals does not moderate the relationship between the planning and the project success in any success dimensions (efficiency or effectiveness). It was possible to deduce that improving the planning for achieving Project Efficiency is a manner that Brazilian companies follow to offset the impact of risks in the relationship. Regarding the participation of trained professionals, it is concluded that having a project team composed of many trained employees does not reduce the firm’s planning dependence for achieving the success.

Author Biographies

Lucio Barbosa Roubach, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – UFES

Engenheiro civil e mestre em Administração pela UFES. Pós-graduado em Gerenciamento de Projetos e em Gestão Financeira, Controladoria e Auditoria pela FGV. Certificado como Project Management Professional (PMP) pelo PMI. Possui mais de 10 anos de experiência nos segmentos de Construção, Mineração, Óleo e Gás e Infraestrutura Digital, com atuação nos estados de São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Bahia, Pernambuco e Maranhão, onde ocupou cargos estratégicos em empreendimentos de destaque nos cenários nacional e regional.

Marcos Paulo Valadares Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – UFES

Doutorado em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil (2009)
Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brasil


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How to Cite

Roubach, L. B., & Valadares Oliveira, M. P. (2021). The relationship between planning and project success under the effects of risk and professional training. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 12(3), 88–120.