Critical success factors in service innovation through Design Thinking
Services, Design Thinking, Innovation, Success, Content analysisAbstract
The service has a leading role in the current market context. To maintain this focus, the focus on innovation and success are essential points for the development of services. Design thinking emerges as a framework to improve services and promote innovation. However, it is necessary to verify the success that this methodology provides to the services. Thus, this research sought to assess which are the critical success factors present in service development cases that used the design thinking methodology. For this, thirteen critical success factors were evaluated using the content analysis technique in twenty-four service development cases that used the design thinking metodology. As a result, the presence of all critical factors in the cases was verified, reinforcing the great success orientation that design thinking has in service innovation. It also highlights the focus on market needs, the use of technological resources and guidance for project management as the main factors. This research contributed to the practical scope of innovation in services, having as limitations the definition of other critical success factors not covered in theory and cases not analyzed by other consultancies.
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