Critical success factors in public works construction projects in Belo Horizonte
Critical success factors, Public works, Relative importance index, Analytical hierarchy processAbstract
The use of models for categorization of critical success factors contributes to the identification of factors that require greater attention from managers of public and private organizations. In this context, this article aimed to analyze which Critical Success Factors affect the performance of public works projects. This was a qualitative and quantitative study based on a case study of public civil engineering projects in the city of Belo Horizonte. Of the 36 factors studied, grouped into 7 categories, questionnaires were applied to professionals related to the public civil projects of Belo Horizonte. The multicriteria analysis used the Relative Importance Index and the Analytical Hierarchy Process, resulting in the importance scale of critical success factors. In addition to creating a way to list the critical success factors that most affect the performance of public works projects, it can be verified that, despite differences between the project stakeholders and their objectives, most of the concerns are about issues and managerial aspects such as coordination between everyone involved in the project, commitment, and skill of the project manager of the contract, availability of engineers and skilled labor. This research highlights the relevance of adopting methodologies to identify the relevance of factors in the face of the need to manage public works projects. The study contributes to the applied methodology and its ability to replicate in various sectors, as well as to the discussion of the relevance of indicators for public management. The article also broadens the debate on performance indicators and critical success factors in public administration, especially on the management of public works projects.
The use of models for categorization of critical success factors contributes to the identification of factors that require greater attention from managers of public and private organizations. In this context, this article aimed to analyze which Critical Success Factors affect the performance of public works projects. This was a qualitative and quantitative study based on a case study of public civil engineering projects in the city of Belo Horizonte. Of the 36 factors studied, grouped into 7 categories, questionnaires were applied to professionals related to the public civil projects of Belo Horizonte. The multicriteria analysis used the Relative Importance Index and the Analytical Hierarchy Process, resulting in the importance scale of critical success factors. In addition to creating a way to list the critical success factors that most affect the performance of public works projects, it can be verified that, despite differences between the project stakeholders and their objectives, most of the concerns are about issues and managerial aspects such as coordination between everyone involved in the project, commitment, and skill of the project manager of the contract, availability of engineers and skilled labor. This research highlights the relevance of adopting methodologies to identify the relevance of factors in the face of the need to manage public works projects. The study contributes to the applied methodology and its ability to replicate in various sectors, as well as to the discussion of the relevance of indicators for public management. The article also broadens the debate on performance indicators and critical success factors in public administration, especially on the management of public works projects.
The use of models for categorization of critical success factors contributes to the identification of factors that require greater attention from managers of public and private organizations. In this context, this article aimed to analyze which Critical Success Factors affect the performance of public works projects. This was a qualitative and quantitative study based on a case study of public civil engineering projects in the city of Belo Horizonte. Of the 36 factors studied, grouped into 7 categories, questionnaires were applied to professionals related to the public civil projects of Belo Horizonte. The multicriteria analysis used the Relative Importance Index and the Analytical Hierarchy Process, resulting in the importance scale of critical success factors. In addition to creating a way to list the critical success factors that most affect the performance of public works projects, it can be verified that, despite differences between the project stakeholders and their objectives, most of the concerns are about issues and managerial aspects such as coordination between everyone involved in the project, commitment, and skill of the project manager of the contract, availability of engineers and skilled labor. This research highlights the relevance of adopting methodologies to identify the relevance of factors in the face of the need to manage public works projects. The study contributes to the applied methodology and its ability to replicate in various sectors, as well as to the discussion of the relevance of indicators for public management. The article also broadens the debate on performance indicators and critical success factors in public administration, especially on the management of public works projects.
The use of models for categorization of critical success factors contributes to the identification of factors that require greater attention from managers of public and private organizations. In this context, this article aimed to analyze which Critical Success Factors affect the performance of public works projects. This was a qualitative and quantitative study based on a case study of public civil engineering projects in the city of Belo Horizonte. Of the 36 factors studied, grouped into 7 categories, questionnaires were applied to professionals related to the public civil projects of Belo Horizonte. The multicriteria analysis used the Relative Importance Index and the Analytical Hierarchy Process, resulting in the importance scale of critical success factors. In addition to creating a way to list the critical success factors that most affect the performance of public works projects, it can be verified that, despite differences between the project stakeholders and their objectives, most of the concerns are about issues and managerial aspects such as coordination between everyone involved in the project, commitment, and skill of the project manager of the contract, availability of engineers and skilled labor. This research highlights the relevance of adopting methodologies to identify the relevance of factors in the face of the need to manage public works projects. The study contributes to the applied methodology and its ability to replicate in various sectors, as well as to the discussion of the relevance of indicators for public management. The article also broadens the debate on performance indicators and critical success factors in public administration, especially on the management of public works projects.
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