Methods for Capture of Lessons Learned: Towards Improvement Continues in Project Management


  • Giuliana Santos Veronese



Lições Aprendidas, Gestão de Projetos, Aprendizagem em Projetos, Aprendizado Sistemático.


In a competitive market which is in constant evolution, the effective information management and the knowledge transfer are strategic aspects to the organizations. In order to improve their project management processes, companies have adopted methodologies and frameworks as alternatives to maximize the success index in their projects. As an extension of project management, the process of capture and analysis of lessons learned is an efficient and effective method to manage information and to enable the knowledge transfer, improving their process, reducing costs and aggregating value. Each executed project provides a valuable knowledge base to be used as a competitive differential. This theorical paper presents a review and analysis in the mainly methods of lessons learned capture proposed in the last decades. The analysis was performed on the basis of common criteria. The results include a set of recommendations to promote the systematic learning in projects and the success implementation of lessons learned management.


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How to Cite

Veronese, G. S. (2014). Methods for Capture of Lessons Learned: Towards Improvement Continues in Project Management. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 5(1), 71–83.