Otimização dos processos de comunicação e gestão do conhecimento em times do varejo
Knowledge management, Innovation, Communication, Artifact, DSR.Resumo
The success of innovation is due to the relationship within innovation teams. In this context, communication is a fundamental tool to add value to organizations. Therefore. A system to optimize communication within these teams is growing in importance. So, This study aims to propose an artifact to optimize the knowledge management and communication process flows in teams from organizations in the retail sector. Likewise, it was possible to comprehend the influence and the importance of these processes for the development of innovation in businesses. The Design Science Research method was used, which culminated in the creation of an artifact for better use of communicational interactions. So, the created solution also went through an evaluation stage that allowed a full analysis of its behaviors and usefulness. Finally, it was concluded that the proposed artifact is of extreme importance for organizations, once that, with its results, it can directly impact team productivity and boost the innovative process within companies. As a contribution, the proposed artifact includes three new phases in the project cycle that are placed between each of the existing phases, called "project story" and aims to tell the work in detail.
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