Renewing the Business Model to Sustain Competitiveness: An Experience in the Furniture Industry
Value creation, Strategy, Competition, Business model, Relationship channelsAbstract
This article reports the experience of a project aimed at restoring the competitiveness of a Brazilian furniture company and proposing strategies for its development, in order to innovate in offering value to customers, by reviewing the business model. The analysis of the current conditions of the competitive environment made possible a diagnosis for the design of a new business model, characterized by the expansion of the offer of value to the customers through the market conception of creating value with the consumers. With this orientation, it was proposed the creation of a marketplace that offers customers, in addition to the company's own products, benefits and complementary products, in order to create value for the customer for convenience in the act of purchase. Sharing the experience enables the expansion of knowledge and, consequently, contribute to the development of management technology, with the potential for replication in equivalent situations.
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