Key-users' expectations regarding the adoption of an integrated financial control system




Information technology management, Key-user expectations, UTAUT.


Factors that can motivate the success of the projects of development and application of technology include expectations and acceptance of the implantation of new information systems. The objective of this research is to identify, in the context of a public company in the financial sector, what are the expectations of key-users in relation to the implementation of a new information system, analyzing them according to the model of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Data collection was carried out through telephone interviews and a questionnaire sent by email in March 2019 to the selected subjects – key-users of the processes that must be supported by the new system. As a result, the variables identified in the research were the UTAUT model for Intention to Use, namely: Performance Expectancy (Reliability of information, System utility, Agility in performing tasks, General improvement in work), Expectation of Effort (Interaction with the new system, Agility in the use of the system, Ease of use of the system, Difficulty in learning), Social Influence (Opinion of influential people, Prestige of the people who use the system, Manager assistance, General company support). Moderating Variables (namely: Gender, Age, Experience, Voluntariness) and positive expectations regarding the Facilitating Conditions (Support for choosing the system, Technical and operational support in implementation, Technical support in use) were also identified. It is concluded that the qualitative results seem to fit the model. The study of the factors referring to effective Use Behavior is proposed as an interest for future research.





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Author Biography

Aline Vieira Malanovicz, UFRGS Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul FDB Faculdade Dom Bosco de Porto Alegre

Desenvolvedora e Analista de Sistemas. Mensan. Técnica em Eletrônica. Estudante de Direito. Doutora em Administração na Área de Sistemas de Informação. Especialista em Engenharia de Software. Bacharel, Mestra e Docente (2004-2005) em Ciência da Computação. Técnica em Gestão. Gestora de Projetos de revisão de processos, desenvolvimento de produtos financeiros e substituição de sistemas legados COBOL para Controle Financeiro bancário. Autora do livro “Entendimento Compartilhado entre Usuários e Desenvolvedores".


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How to Cite

Malanovicz, A. V. (2020). Key-users’ expectations regarding the adoption of an integrated financial control system. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 8(2), 139–157.



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