Technical report on the journey of BHub startup in a context of application of lean practices




Lean Startup, Startup Development, Startup, Lean Management


In recent years, Brazil has positioned itself as one of the worst countries in economic performance and business efficiency. In this context of the Brazilian economy, micro and small companies play a vital role, at the same time as they face high mortality rates just a few years after opening. However, the emergence of startups in the country is a parallel movement that has brought life to BHub, a company that positions itself in this environment, providing administrative management services to other startups and small companies. During BHub's few years of existence, it was possible to observe key moments aligned with the so-called Lean, a socio-technical model that aims to develop with the least possible waste. Through document analysis combined with participant observation, the use of Lean practices was identified, such as the creation of value and growth hypotheses, the development of Minimum Value Proposition and the use of pivots, in addition to Lean Manufacturing and Lean practices. Product and Process Development, such as the existence of expert leaders, information centralization rooms, technical documents, leveling mechanisms, problem anticipation and simultaneous engineering. In addition to these main references, they were also brought to this study in order to enrich it, which generated recommendations for the company itself and, eventually, others to reflect on opportunities to improve their respective realities from the point of view of different principles, Lean practices and waste.




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Author Biographies

Paulo Henrique Bezerra de Campos, University of São Paulo

Bacharel em Adm. de Empresas (Mackenzie) e Mestrando

Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária

Alvair Silveira Torres Junior, University of São Paulo

Professor Doutor, na área de Operações, Inovação e Empreendedorismo, da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP), nos Cursos de Graduação e Pós-Graduação em Administração. Membro do Corpo Permanente do Mestrado Profissional em Empreendedorismo da FEA-USP.  Coordenador da área de Operações do Seminário em Administração da mesma faculdade (SEMEAD FEA-USP). Pesquisador e Lider do Grupo de Pesquisa NUPEXO, registrado no CNPQ, com trabalhos em diversos temas da inovação organizacional e economia circular. Coordenador de Projetos da FIA – Fundação Instituto de Administração e do Grupo de Trabalho “Observatório das Metamorfoses do Capital e os Processos de Inovação” do IEA-USP.


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How to Cite

Campos, P. H. B. de, & Torres Junior, A. S. (2024). Technical report on the journey of BHub startup in a context of application of lean practices. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 12(2), e25822.



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