Data protection and startups:
an overview of the brazilian context
startup, data protection, Brazil, General Law for the Protection of Personal Data.Abstract
In the Informational Society, personal data and information are central elements of debates between the search for development and the protection of human and fundamental rights and guarantees. Under the methods of documentary research, with direct investigation and analysis of the legal rules applicable to the Brazilian context of startup development and personal data protection, and bibliographic research, with investigation of secondary sources, which present data and conceptual reviews about startups and the law to the protection of personal data, this article seeks to analyze the Brazilian context of fostering the creation and development of startups and the right to the protection of personal data, as regulated by the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data and Resolution CD/ANPD nº 2/ 2022, of the Board of Directors of the National Data Protection Authority, providing a reference base for the development of hypotheses to be investigated in a future study.
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