The Context of Stress in Occupational Health Workers: Bibliometric Study


  • Cláudia Aparecida Avelar Ferreira CENTRO UNIVERSITÁRIO UNA,FUMEC E FHEMIG.
  • Mário Teixeira Reis Neto Universidade FUMEC
  • Zélia Miranda Kilimnik Universidade FUMEC
  • Adaílson Soares dos Santos Universidade FUMEC



Stress. Health Worker. Burnout.


Stress (nervous tension) is an ever-present theme arising from social context diversity and vulnerabilities to which workers are subjected in the labour process. Due to the impact of the occupational stress on individual and organizational performance in health institutions, it was intended to map out the scientific production through bibliometrics in the journals of the administration area, preferably, and, a posteriori, in other journals related to the management of stress on health workers, and to research the causes, consequences and preventive measures. The study is characterized as a literature review through descriptive research. Of the 30 analyzed articles in 28 journals, there is a growing number of articles about the subject from 2010, highlighting an increase of publications in 2011, 2012 and 2014. The main causes identified were overstrain, lack of human resources, inadequate working conditions and work in shifts. The consequences were stress, burnout, psychosomatic complaints, impaired work which may lead to medical errors, will to change and absenteeism. The preventive measures were worker valuation policies, the creation of salubrious working conditions, reduced working hours in shifts, staff replacement, the providing of social support, promotion of integration among workers, organizational and criminal justice, respect and education.


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Author Biographies


Doutoranda em Administração (FUMEC).Mestre em Administração(Centro Universitário UNA).Especialista em saúde pública e administração de serviços de saúde, assistência farmacêutica pelo SUS e MBA em gestão de organizações hospitalares e serviços de saúde. Farmacêutica-bioquímica (UFMG).

Mário Teixeira Reis Neto, Universidade FUMEC

Doutor em Administração (UFMG). Professor Adjunto I Fumec.

Zélia Miranda Kilimnik, Universidade FUMEC

Doutora em Administração (UFMG). Professora Adjunto I Fumec.

Adaílson Soares dos Santos, Universidade FUMEC

Mestrando em Administração(FUMEC).



How to Cite

Ferreira, C. A. A., Reis Neto, M. T., Kilimnik, Z. M., & Santos, A. S. dos. (2016). The Context of Stress in Occupational Health Workers: Bibliometric Study. Revista De Gestão Em Sistemas De Saúde, 5(2), 84–99.