The Influence of the Miles and Snow strategic typology in the degree of market orientation in institutions of primary/secondary education in the State of Parana


  • Tomás Sparano Martins PUCPR
  • June Alisson Westarb Cruz PUCPR / El-Kouba
  • Heitor Takashi Kato PUCPR
  • Julio Adriano Reis Unibrasil / El-Kouba
  • Amir El-Kouba PUCPR / El-Kouba



Miles and Snow Typology. Market orientation. Schools. Strategy.


This paper investigates the influence of a strategic typology in the performance of grade schools and high schools in the state of PR, taking into account the degree of market orientation. The model was developed based on two concepts: the strategic typology of Miles and Snow (1978) and market-orientation in the model of Kohli, Jaworski and Kumar (1993). To conduct this study, a cross-sectional survey was done. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire sent to the directors of all 699 schools associated with SINEPE-PR (The Association for Privately Owned Educational Institutions in State of Paraná). A total of 153 cases were considered valid for the research. To analyze the data the H Kruskal-Wallis Test was used through the Minitab statistical software version 15. It was found that the typology is a strategic factor that influences the market orientation variables in analyzed industry


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Author Biographies

Tomás Sparano Martins, PUCPR

Mestrado em administração - PUCPR Curitiba – PR[Brasil]

June Alisson Westarb Cruz, PUCPR / El-Kouba

Mestrado em administração - PUC Curitiba – PR[Brasil]

Heitor Takashi Kato, PUCPR

Doutorado em administração de Empresas  FGV PUCPR

Julio Adriano Reis, Unibrasil / El-Kouba

Mestrado em administração - PUC Unibrasil / El-Kouba Curitiba – PR[Brasil]

Amir El-Kouba, PUCPR / El-Kouba

Mestrado em administração - PUC Curitiba – PR[Brasil]



How to Cite

Martins, T. S., Cruz, J. A. W., Kato, H. T., Reis, J. A., & El-Kouba, A. (2009). The Influence of the Miles and Snow strategic typology in the degree of market orientation in institutions of primary/secondary education in the State of Parana. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 7(2), 125–138.



  • Abstract 231
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 173