Evaluation model of organizational performance for small and medium enterprises


  • Carlos Augusto Passos Universidade de São Paulo
  • Renata Giovinazzo Spers Universidade de São Paulo - USP/FEA, São Paulo




Evaluation of Organizational Performance, Small and Medium Enterprises, Planning, Management, Flexible, Adaptable.


In the 1980’s, many tools for evaluating organizational performance were created. However, most of them are usefulonly to large companies and do not foster results in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In light of this fact,this article aims at proposing an Organizational Performance Assessment model (OPA) which is flexible and adaptableto the reality of SMEs, based on the theoretical framework of various models, and comparisons on the basis of threemajor authors’ criteria to evaluate OPA models.The research has descriptive and exploratory character, with qualitative nature. The MADE-O model, according to thecriteria described in the bibliography, is the one that best fits the needs of SMEs, used as a baseline for the modelproposed in this study with adaptations pertaining to the BSC model. The model called the Overall PerformanceIndicator – Environment (IDG-E) has as its main differential, in addition to the base of the models mentioned above, theassessment of the external and internal environment weighted in modules of OPA. As the SME is characterized byhaving few processes and people, the small amount of performance indicators is another positive aspect. Submitted tothe evaluation of the criteria subscribed by the authors, the model proved to be quite feasible for use in SMEs.


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Author Biography

Renata Giovinazzo Spers, Universidade de São Paulo - USP/FEA, São Paulo

Mestrado e Doutorado em administração pela mesma universidade em 2003 e 2007, respectivamente. Fez estágio de doutorado na Universidade de Cambridge (2006) e na Universidade Howard (2007). Realizou pesquisa de pós-doutorado na Universidade Vanderbilt (EUA), em 2010, com apoio da FAPESP. É professora do Departamento de Administração da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP). É líder do grupo de pesquisas Programa de Estudos do Futuro - PROFUTURO e Editora Adjunta da Revista Científica Future Studies Research Journal.



How to Cite

Passos, C. A., & Spers, R. G. (2014). Evaluation model of organizational performance for small and medium enterprises. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 13(4), 44–58. https://doi.org/10.5585/ijsm.v13i4.2093