Information and knowledge management in research and development projects – a case study


  • Maria Terezinha Angeloni Instituto de Estudos e Gestão Energética - INERGE
  • Rafael Zimmermann Homma Celesc Distribuição S.A
  • Luiz Afonso Pereira Athayde Filho Celesc Distribuição S.A
  • Aldo Cosentino Instituto de Estudos e Gestão Energética - INERGE



gestão do conhecimento, gestão de projetos, gestão do conhecimento em projetos.


This article aims to present the Information and Knowledge Management Plan, which aims to support the processes of creation, acquisition, sharing, storage, (re)use, protection and transfer of information and knowledge, proposed for a Research and Development Project for the sponsor enterprise/client - Celesc Distribution, company from the electricity sector in Santa Catarina and executed by the Institute of Studies and Energy Management – INERGE. The project is part of the R&D program of the National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL in accordance with the law number no 9.991/2000. The theoretical reference is based on the areas of Project Management and Knowledge Management. Methodologically it is characterized as an interorganizational, interproject research of experimental development. The results are not effective yet, due to the little time of implementation of the project. However it may be inferred that the systematization of the information and knowledge from a single environment, in addition to giving support to the development of the activities of the project teams, will support the processes of information and knowledge management and, essentially, the transfer of the information and knowledge from the executor company and its partners to the sponsor/client company.


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Author Biographies

Maria Terezinha Angeloni, Instituto de Estudos e Gestão Energética - INERGE

Pesquisador do Estudos e Pesquisas de Eficiência Energética e Sustentabilidade para organizações Privadas, Públicas e do Terceiro Setor.

Rafael Zimmermann Homma, Celesc Distribuição S.A

Departamento de OperaçãoDivisão de Operação do SistemaCentro de Operação e Supervisão do Sistema

Luiz Afonso Pereira Athayde Filho, Celesc Distribuição S.A

Departamento de Engenharia e Planejamento do Sistema ElétricoDivisão de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento e Eficiência Energética

Aldo Cosentino, Instituto de Estudos e Gestão Energética - INERGE

Pesquisador do Estudos e Pesquisas de Eficiência Energética e Sustentabilidade para organizações Privadas, Públicas e do Terceiro Setor.



How to Cite

Angeloni, M. T., Homma, R. Z., Athayde Filho, L. A. P., & Cosentino, A. (2016). Information and knowledge management in research and development projects – a case study. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 15(1), 131–146.



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