Person-organization fit (P-O fit) and engagement




Person-organization alignment, Person-organization fit (P-O fit), Personal and organizational values, Engagement.


Objective of the study: The objective of this work is to analyze the person-organization fit (Person-Organization fit or P-O fit) and its influence on employee engagement.

Methodology / approach: A descriptive, analytical and hypothetical-deductive research was carried out through a case study in a multinational company in the industrial segment. The research was based on the concepts of P-O fit by Chatman (1989), Personal Values by Schwartz (1994) and Organizational by Oliveira and Tamayo (2004), as well as Kahn's Work Engagement (1990). The research strategy adopted was that of multiple methods, contributing more effectively to corroborate hypotheses and constructs. For the quantitative analysis, 132 employees answered a questionnaire that combined questions: (a) Schwartz's Portrait Values Questionnaire PVQ-21 (2001) validated in Brazil by Almeida and Sobral (2009), (b) Organizational Value Profiles Inventory (IPVO) by Oliveira and Tamayo (2009) and (c) Work Engagement Scale (EEGT) by Siqueira (2014). For the qualitative research, internal documents of the organization were analyzed, 15 semi-structured interviews were carried out with employees and data on participatory observation were collected in training programs.

Main results: Respondents declared that they give greater importance to the personal values of Benevolence, Hedonism and Compliance, and observe the organizational values of Prestige, Domain and Achievement. The quantitative and qualitative results indicated that there is no person-organization alignment and that the level of employee engagement is average. This result may have been influenced by the moment in the organization's life cycle characterized by structural, strategic and cultural changes.

Relevance: Literature is scarce when looking for studies that relate engagement with person-organization alignment. This study brings together these concepts when analyzing the person-organization alignment and its influence on employee engagement.


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Author Biographies

Carina Vasconcellos de Oliveira Rodriguez, IAG PUC-Rio

IAG/Escola de Negócios da PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil.

Patricia Amelia Tomei, IAG PUC-Rio

IAG/Escola de Negócios da PUC-Rio, Professora Associada, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil.

Bernardo Paraiso de Campos Serra, Ibmec

Ibmec RJ, Gerente de Desenvolvimento Educacional, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez, C. V. de O., Tomei, P. A., & Serra, B. P. de C. (2020). Person-organization fit (P-O fit) and engagement. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 19(1), 128–148.


