Dynamic capacities from a perspective of processes and routines: a study in the metal mechanic sector
Dynamic capabilities, Processes and routines, Absorptive capacity, Adaptive capacity, Innovative capacity, Mechanical metal sector.Abstract
Objective: Understand the process of development of dynamic capacities in the perspective of the processes and routines of search and innovation in companies of the metal mechanic sector located in the southern region of Brazil.
Methodology / Approach Exploratory and descriptive research, qualitative approach. The technical procedure was a multiple case study, carried out with three organizations in the metal mechanic segment in southern Brazil. For data collection, interviews were conducted with eighteen managers. The data were organized and analyzed through content analysis. The established categories were guided by the identification of the component elements and organizational mechanisms for the development of dynamic capacities (DC), proposed by Meirelles and Camargo (2014).
Originality / Relevance: The research presents new and illuminating insights for understanding how DCs are developed. By identifying which routines and processes provide for the development of DCs, the research contributes to the understanding of how the process of DC development takes place in organizations.
Fidings: The results show that the DC of the investigated companies are made up of search and innovation processes and routines that enable the management and mobilization of organizational resources, in order to meet the needs and changes of the market.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: The model based on the proposal by Meirelles and Camargo (2014), is capable of contributing to the prioritization of actions necessary for the development of absorptive, adaptive and innovative capacities. This characteristic of the model is important, as it directs the manager to those actions that can actually interfere in the evolution of the organization.
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