Mood state and risk tolerance in organizational decisions




Mood state, Risk tolerance, Decision making.


Objective of the study: This study aims to identify the relationship between an individual's mood and risk tolerance in organizational decisions.

Methodology/approach: It is an applied, quantitative, descriptive and survey research. For data collection, a questionnaire was applied to a sample of 90 academics from higher education courses in the area of management at a Higher Education Institution in the State of Santa Catarina. Data were categorized and analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and logistic regression analysis.

Originality/relevance: Researches relate positive mood and increased risk-taking, however, the results are fragmented and inconclusive as to the influence of negative mood on the tendency to take risks. Thus, this research focuses attention on the asymmetry of influence of both positive and negative mood on risk preferences.

Main results: We found that in decisions involving gains, respondents have less tolerance than when they involve losses. Although mood is not related to risk tolerance, when analyzed separately, a relationship was found between the dimensions of mood and the individuals' risk tolerance.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: This research adds to the literature, by exploring decision-making and the behavioral line simultaneously, as well as contributing to represent a more comprehensive description regarding the decision process regarding the Prospect Theory, by demonstrating which dimensions of mood have an influence on the risk tolerance of respondents.

Social/management contributions: The study contributes to the improvement of decision-making processes in the context of aspects related to risk tolerance. The practical implications refer to the construction of a decision-making process designed in a more assertive way and in line with the losses and gains arising from the inherent risk of this decision-making process. 


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Author Biographies

Mateus Zacchi, Faculdade de Tecnologia Nova Palhoça – FATENP / UNIGRANRIO

Bacharel em Ciências Contábeis

Ernando Fagundes, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Mestre em Contabilidade

Rodrigo Rengel, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Mestre em Contabilidade

Willian Boschetti Adamczyk, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)

Doutor em Economia


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How to Cite

Zacchi, M., Fagundes, E., Rengel, R., & Adamczyk, W. B. (2022). Mood state and risk tolerance in organizational decisions. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 21(1), e20677.