Analysis of the relation between emotional intelligence of leaders of different sectors of a big multinational organization and the organizational climate: a case study


  • Daniel Ramos Deschauer


Palabras clave:

Emotional intelligence. Leadership. Organizational environment.


The business community has been marked, in the last decades, by an incessant quest for competitiveness in order to survive and grow in a globalized world. Companies have had to revamp their structures, find new paths and make economic changes. Managers have been forced to undertake increased responsibilities and commitment to their organizations, they also had to adjust their profiles and review their individual abilities and competences, mostly because of their impact on the organizational climate perceived by employees. In this sense, the object of this study is to identify relations between emotional quotient of managers at different hierarchical levels within the organization and the organizational climate as perceived by each manager’s team of collaborators. In addition to new surveys on the leader’s emotional intelligence and organizational climate, this study points to the need for programs focusing on the development of managers’ emotional abilities, as a way of improving organizational climate and, as a result, keeping up the company’s intellectual capital as a strategy for organizational success.


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Cómo citar

Deschauer, D. R. (2008). Analysis of the relation between emotional intelligence of leaders of different sectors of a big multinational organization and the organizational climate: a case study. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 6(1), 71–80.


