Cooperation and Development: a study of case in network cooperation


  • June Alisson Westarb Cruz
  • Carlos Olavo Quandt PUCPR
  • Tomás Sparano Martins Faculdade Paranaense
  • Julio Adriano dos Reis
  • Amir El-Kouba


Palabras clave:

Cooperation. Governance. Organizational networks.


The need to develop new surviving strategies and competitive advantage by individuals and organizations make cooperation to obtain complementary competences and potentialities very important, through the insertion of social actors in multiple networks of relationships and interactions.  This research was made in an Association Network of Carrinheiros[1] located in Curitiba and in the coast of Paraná.  The objective of the study was to analyze the structural characteristics of the network and its implications to develop collective actions. The data was collected through questionnaires, interviews, document analysis, and the daily direct observation of the network.  An interaction system between individuals and organizations from various sectors in society could be verified. This interaction stimulates the structured work connected to associations and cooperatives.  Between the actors of the network, concepts and realities are different, as well as individual objectives are distinct.  However, they converge to a common general objective that establish a common base for collaborative work.


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Cómo citar

Cruz, J. A. W., Quandt, C. O., Martins, T. S., Reis, J. A. dos, & El-Kouba, A. (2009). Cooperation and Development: a study of case in network cooperation. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 7(1), 21–28.



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