You say you want a revolution: we all want to change the world


  • Luiz Antonio de Camargo Guerrazzi Universidade nove de Julho
  • Luís Miguel Zanin UNINOVE - PPGA
  • Christian Daniel Falaster UNINOVE - PPGA


Palabras clave:

Leading the Revolution, Gary Hamel, Innovation.


The book “Leading the Revolution”, by Gary Hamel, brings important contributions to innovation studies when associated with the strategy. The author states that we are on the threshold of revolution era in which traditional forms of performance’ search for organizations no longer work. The milestone of this new era, according to Gary Hamel, is the radical innovation, whose most important feature is making difference for the customer, creating value for the organization and preparing it for the future, through changing its business model, if necessary. This paperwork, besides discussing some of Gary Hamel’s works, “Leading the Revolution”, in particular, investigates the influence of this book in other authors’ work, through bibliometric techniques. We have identified four approaches adopted by authors that use “Leading the Revolution” as a reference: change management; entrepreneurship; strategy and competitiveness and innovation. This work provides an analysis of the impact of “Leading the Revolution” and brings ways for the use of Hamel's theory in future studies of innovation and strategy.


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Cómo citar

Guerrazzi, L. A. de C., Zanin, L. M., & Falaster, C. D. (2017). You say you want a revolution: we all want to change the world. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 16(1), 138–151.



Book Review
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