Analysis of logistics management and of relationships between fridge and of beef cattle supplier
Logistics management, Production chain of beef cattle, Integration process.Abstract
Given the importance of logistics management in the current times, as well as the integration between all participants of this list, it becomes vital as the search activities improved in this theme. In this way, the present study was developed in a refrigerator located in the northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul state with the objective of investigating an integration between refrigerator and supplier, besides performing a logistics management analysis, identifying the existing bottlenecks and the following improvement strategies. The work is carried out through a bibliographic research, followed by data collection in the field, where interviews with researchers are performed and, finally, performed or treated with data through Microsoft Excel software. Given these results, an analysis of the entire management of the beef logistics chain is performed, assisting in the verification of critical points and in the probability of possible suggestions for improvements.Downloads
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