Urban forest management tools
Urban forest, Management, Information technology, Tools.Abstract
Objective: Contextualize the use of Urban Forest management tools to promote quality of life by maximizing the environmental services that trees provide to city dwellers.
Methodology: To present the state of the art in the development of monitoring technologies based on spatial and terrestrial platforms for the management of the urban forest, through the application of methods, techniques and technologies for monitoring, control and automation of survey and mapping processes, with views to decision making.
Originality / Relevance: The production of this work is the presentation of different tools for urban forest management in an up-to-date manner, combining technological resources with the needs of public managers and, therefore, contributing to the quality of life of the urban population.
Results: Some tools gaining notoriety due to their advantages in capturing information, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Remote sensing technologies have become mandatory tools in city management, urban and environmental planning. The analysis of vegetation in the urban area, distribution and classification carried out through the extraction of the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) is also used to characterize large areas and locate arboreal specimens with suspected deficiency in plant health. LiDAR sensors perform laser scanning, providing topographic and forest cover analyzes that make it possible to simultaneously map the terrain under the trees and its estimated height. Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques are combined to map land use and land cover changes and assess the rate of urban expansion and vegetation loss. Other promising computational tools are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning that proposes to develop devices that simulate the human capacity to reason, perceive, make decisions and solve problems.
Social/Management Contributions: The use of management tools for the urban forest are administrative and more agile resources that can help managers in decision-making to build a more sustainable and inclusive city.
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