Bibliometric analysis into a decade of academic research on innovation, value creation, and sustainability (2013-2023)
bibliometric analysis, innovation, value creation, sustainabilityAbstract
Objective of the Study: The aim of this study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of academic publications to evaluate the growth, impact, and trends in research related to innovation, value, and sustainability between 2013 and 2023.
Methodology/Approach: The study utilizes a bibliometric approach, analysing data from SCOPUS and Web of Science databases to track scientific output, citation trends, authorship patterns, institutional affiliations, and country contributions within the specified research domain and time frame.
Originality/Relevance: This study provides an analysis of the interconnected themes of innovation, value creation, and sustainability within academic literature. The relevance of this research lies in understanding the evolving scholarly landscape and identifying key contributors and trends in these critical areas.
Main Results: The analysis reveals a consistent growth in scientific output, with an increase in publications in 2022 and a peak in 2023, indicating a burgeoning research interest. Citation trends demonstrate variations, highlighting the dynamic nature of research and increasing scholarly engagement in these themes over time.
Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: The findings contribute to the theoretical understanding of innovation, value creation, and sustainability by mapping out key themes, trends, and research dynamics. The study also showcases the interdisciplinary nature of these fields and the collaborative efforts shaping academic discourse.
Social/Management Contributions: The study's insights have managerial implications, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and highlighting influential institutions and countries in advancing research agendas. Understanding citation patterns and thematic evolution can inform strategic decision-making and foster meaningful contributions to societal and environmental challenges.
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