Managing Risks and Stakeholders in the Design of a new Financial Product


  • Luciano Quinto Lanz SIPA - Columbia University - New York BNDES - Rio de Janeiro
  • Patricia Amelia Tomei IAG - PUC-Rio


Palabras clave:

Project Management, Public Policy, Risk Management, Stakeholders Management, Project Risk Management


This article analyses risk’ and stakeholders’ management in the project to establish a product created by BNDES to provide partial credit guarantees for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), the Investment Guarantee Fund (FGI). The project went through several adjustments during its development to adapt it to changes in the credit market, the demands of financial agents and credit access’ public policy. For this analysis were used risk management models, stakeholder management in projects and guarantee systems. The methodology used was the single case study with the fund manager, with document analysis and semi-structured interviews. The results of the analysis indicate that the corrections in the direction and the adequacy of the fund project development pace, together with stakeholder management techniques use and project risk management, led to increased security in the Fund  implementation, minimizing the need for rework and schedule delays. This context prevented several risks associated with the operation and the adequacy of the final product, contributing to a gradual but steady adoption of the Fund's guarantee by financial agents.


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Biografía del autor/a

Luciano Quinto Lanz, SIPA - Columbia University - New York BNDES - Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Business at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1994), MBA in Finance at IBMEC-RJ (1997), Master (2004) and PhD in Business Administration at PUC-Rio Business School (2014). Currently is taking a Master in Public Administration at Columbia University - NY. He is certificated in Project Management by the PMI and has extension in Information Logistics at PUC-Rio. Currently works at BNDES, in the credit area, with guarantees for access to credit for micro, small and medium enterprises.

Patricia Amelia Tomei, IAG - PUC-Rio

PATRÍCIA A. TOMEI, PhD, has been an associate professor at the PUC Rio Business School since 1979, teaching and researching in the areas of Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, Organizational Culture and Change. She is the author of several books such as "Management and Organizational Fads"; "Participative Management"; "Envy in Organizations"; "Organizational Culture and Privatization: The Human Dimension"; "Entrepreneurship Culture". 



Cómo citar

Lanz, L. Q., & Tomei, P. A. (2016). Managing Risks and Stakeholders in the Design of a new Financial Product. International Journal of Innovation – IJI, 4(2), 59–70.


