The application of hybridism in team and stakeholder management at multiple engineering projects
Project, Engineering, Hybridity, Agile, Waterfall.Abstract
The constant pressure from the market for competitiveness promotes the need to increase the quality of deliveries and reduce waste and rework, using high-performance teams and keeping its stakeholders more and more satisfied. Therefore, scrum-agile techniques were applied to an engineering project management model based on the waterfall model. Therefore, this study aims to propose and apply scrum-agile techniques, in the engineering project management model resulting in a hybrid model, minimizing the negative impacts present in the changes, observing the result reflected in the engineering project management team and stakeholders. The intervention took place through action research due to the role of consultant performed by the authors, in the identification of problems, development and implementation of solutions. There was a reduction in the percentage of delays and an improvement in the company's performance indicators with the customer. In addition, a review of an existing engineering project development process was carried out, making it hybrid, thus proposing a new way of working for engineering companies.
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