Optimization of business service in a bank branch
Queuing theory, Discrete event simulation, FlexSim, Banks, Queue LawAbstract
This study aimed to promote the adequacy of the service times of a bank branch to the Law of Queues, with a maximum waiting time (target times) of 20 minutes on normal days and 30 minutes on peak days. Therefore, the objective of the study is to develop a computational model capable of optimizing the service time in a bank branch. Data were collected through “Bank A”, refer to the month of August 2019 and contain 587 attendances. After obtaining the rhythmic data of arrival and customer service, the ideal number of servers was calculated to suit the service to the target times. The system being modeled, for the purpose of the initial calculations, will be assumed as a model of the MMc type. The discipline adopted for the queue is FIFO (First In, First Out), where the first to arrive is the first to be served. Probabilistic distributions of rhythms were studied and the agency was modeled in FlexSim and several scenarios were tested. Actual waiting times of up to 64 and 48 minutes, peak days and normal days, respectively, collected in the bank system (current scenario) were reduced to up to 28 and 19 minutes, respectively, in the simulated scenarios. The social and management contributions of this work lie in the reduction of the agency's service time, with a positive impact on customer satisfaction, increased efficiency and better use of the staff.'
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