From knowledge worker to knowledge organizer: a framework proposal




Knowledge organizer, Information, Knowledge, Organizational memory


This study proposes to reflect on and present a framework for the professional role of the knowledge organizer as a key factor in organizations. This professional, in addition to knowing how to handle, treat, structure, store, retrieve, and maximize the use of information, knowledge, and archival documents (organizational memory), also fosters the creation of new knowledge, promotes actions that enhance learning and improvements in the organizational environment. The knowledge organizer provides support in organizing information, knowledge, and documents in a way that facilitates their access, storage, and sharing, optimizing time for directors, managers, and leaders. The article highlights the activities of knowledge workers, which are often ambiguous and unstable but should be developed by everyone in the team network. We conducted a critical review of the literature in the fields of Administration and Information Science, exploring information and knowledge management frameworks. We used both classical and technical literature in Information Science to develop a framework. To identify relevant terms, we conducted a search in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, analyzing the co-occurrence of keywords and highlighting citation indexes. We developed a framework that demonstrates the continuous cycle of knowledge organizer activities. Finally, it is recommended that knowledge organizers act in organizations to improve informational, knowledge, and organizational memory aspects, as everyone is a knowledge worker.



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Author Biographies

Márcio da Silva Finamor, Universidade Unigranrio

PhD student in Administration and Master's in Information Science from (IBICT/UFRJ). Currently works as a librarian and information manager in the Brazilian Army. Has experience in Information and Knowledge Management, and management of Information Units. His research interests include Information Science and Administration, with a focus on Information/Knowledge Management in healthcare, Strategic Information Management, Innovation Management, Humanistic Studies in Information, Organizational Humanization, Critical Theory in Organizations, Organizational Silence, and Information Culture.

Davi José de Souza da Silva , Universidade Unigranrio

A full professor in the Graduate Program in Administration at the University of Grande Rio (UNIGRANRIO | Afya), where he develops the research project "Critique of Digital Transformation" and teaches courses in Philosophy and Epistemology of Administration, Critical Organizational Analysis, and Special Topics in Strategy and Organizations. He currently serves as Vice-Rector of Graduate Studies and Research at UNIGRANRIO (2021-present). His academic background includes a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and an MBA in Educational Management from IBMEC-SP, among other qualifications in law and business management.


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How to Cite

Finamor, M. da S., & Silva , D. J. de S. da. (2024). From knowledge worker to knowledge organizer: a framework proposal. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 12(2), e25606.



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