Technical and economic feasibility of a photovoltaic solar power plant implementation model based on equipment leasing




Photovoltaic solar plant, Distributed generation, Technical-economic feasibility, Project evaluation, Equipment leasing


The significant growth potential of photovoltaic solar energy in Brazil, combined with the latest regulatory norms on distributed generation, has allowed consumers not only to have the ability to generate their own energy but also to explore opportunities to create business models in the solar energy sector. This article aims to conduct a technical-economic feasibility analysis for the implementation of a photovoltaic solar plant located in the State of Espírito Santo, based on an equipment leasing model. The sizing and determination of the main elements of the photovoltaic system were carried out, starting from the selection of the site for the installation of the plant to the installed capacity of the venture. The project's viability assessment was based on projections of revenues and costs of implementation and operation of the plant, considering a period of 25 years. The results obtained showed that this business model presents itself as a good investment option, due to the high rates of profitability and low associated risks. In addition, consumers who do not have the technical/economic conditions to own their own generation systems can benefit from plants implemented under this model, redirecting the savings generated into actions to increase productivity and become more competitive.



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Author Biographies

Samuel Lino de Abreu Neto, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo

Electrical Engineer with a specialization in Energy Efficiency from the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo. Currently, he is a partner, executive director, and the responsible technical engineer at Cepemar Solar. He has experience in the fields of Electrical Engineering and Project Management, with a focus on power generation and distribution, energy loss measurement and mitigation strategies, and the development of photovoltaic solar power plants for both micro and mini distributed generation and centralized generation. He has worked with major companies such as EDP and WEG. Additionally, he served as a lecturer in Electrotechnics at the Universo Center for Education and Development.

Clainer Bravin Donadel , Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo

He holds a Bachelor's degree (2005), a Master's degree (2010), and a Ph.D. (2015) in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Currently, he is a Professor at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (IFES) – Vitória campus. He has experience in Electrical Engineering, with a focus on Power Systems. His research interests include technical and non-technical energy losses, distribution network expansion planning, energy efficiency, smart grids, and microgrids.


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How to Cite

Abreu Neto, S. L. de, & Donadel , C. B. (2024). Technical and economic feasibility of a photovoltaic solar power plant implementation model based on equipment leasing. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 12(2), e26241.



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