Reduction of Water Consumption in a Private Hospital of the State of São Paulo based on the Installation of Flow Control Regulator in Automatic Closing Faucets


  • Marcos Rogério Orita Gerente Jurídico no Hospital Moriah - HM.
  • Mário Ivo Serinolli Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE, Faculdade de Medicina.



Sustainability, Efficiency, Water Consumption, Water Flow.


This technological research report aims to analyze the installation of a regulatory record flow in self-closing faucets installed in a private hospital in the city of Sao Paulo – Brazil, in order to reduce water consumption contributing to sustainability. Therefore, a record model that allied durability, functionality and low investment was elected. Of the four hospital floors were indicated water taps located in the basement, ground floor and first floor. Five measurements were made: the first without the regulatory record flow installed; the second, installed and fully open; the third with the regulatory record flow installed in a closed back; the fourth with the registry installed and locked in a turn and a half and the fifth with the installed recording and closed in two rounds. There was an estimated reduction of water consumption for the hospital 44.86% 95% (from 26.44 to 58.71%). Applied research concluded that the return on investment will be achieved at 9.2 months, reaching the average savings estimated at 334,112 liters of water. The study provided subsidies for the board to decide objectively the acquisition of the record in question and its installation in all automatic trigger taps participating hospital this research.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Rogério Orita, Gerente Jurídico no Hospital Moriah - HM.

Mestrando pelo Programa Profissional em Administração - Gestão em Sistemas de Saúde (PMPA-GSS) - Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE, São Paulo.

Mário Ivo Serinolli, Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE, Faculdade de Medicina.

Doutor em Medicina  - Disciplina Hematologia pela Universidade de São Paulo - USP, São Paulo.   



How to Cite

Orita, M. R., & Serinolli, M. I. (2017). Reduction of Water Consumption in a Private Hospital of the State of São Paulo based on the Installation of Flow Control Regulator in Automatic Closing Faucets. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 5(1), 111–123.



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