Green “Under-Communication:” A Systematic Literature Review on Greenhushing
Greenblushing, Greenhushing, Silent Firms, Comunicação em Sustentabilidade, Revisão SistemáticaResumo
Purpose: Our paper explores how “not communicating” or “under communicating” is addressed in academic literature and the resulting impact on sustainability marketing and communication.
Design/methodology/approach: This study conducted a systematic literature review with 21 documents, exploring the effects of under-communication on sustainability marketing and consumer behavior considering the terminology of “greenblushing,” “silent green,” and “silent sustainability” firms. We search documents published until December 2023 on Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, and Google Scholar.
Findings: The studies follow three main discussions: the categorization regarding companies’ sustainability communication versus commitment, the effects of greenhushing as a message style, and why companies choose not to disclose their sustainability efforts.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: This study proposes a future research agenda and encourages thoughtful consideration of the practical and theoretical aspects of understanding the “why,” “how,” and “when” companies should not communicate.
Relevance and originality: Considering that communication is the connection between the company and consumers, not communicating can be considered counterintuitive. Recognized as the opposite of greenwashing, greenhushing has been gaining space in academic discussions.
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