Following Musical Shows: A Study with Focal Groups on Satisfaction of Musical Concerts Regular Visitors and Socialization between Them


  • Lúmia Massa Garcia Pires Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)
  • André Francisco Alcântara Fagundes Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)



Marketing, consumer behavior, concerts, satisfaction, socialization.


This article aimed to identify which attributes impact more significantly on the satisfaction of concerts’ regular visitors and socialization between them when inserted in these kinds of events. Thus, we used a qualitative methodology, performing focus groups. Among the main results of this study, we found, regarding satisfaction of concerts’ visitors, the attributes that most influence the public are related to services - especially for beverage supply, cleaning of bathrooms and lines formed inside the event - organization, show infrastructure and performance artists. Furthermore, considering the socialization of the visitors, we found that most respondents often go to concerts together with other people, but some did not exclude the possibility to attend the concerts alone when it comes to a familiar artist.


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How to Cite

Massa Garcia Pires, L., & Francisco Alcântara Fagundes, A. (2017). Following Musical Shows: A Study with Focal Groups on Satisfaction of Musical Concerts Regular Visitors and Socialization between Them. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 16(2), 180–193.