Personal values that motivate the consumption of healthy yoghurts




Marketing. Consumer behavior, Personal values, Healthy yogurts


Objective: To understand the relationship between the product's characteristics, the consequences perceived through consumption and the personal values that act as guides in the consumption of yogurt considered healthy.

Methodology: Guided by Means-End Chain Theories and Basic Human Values, this study also made use of the Laddering technique and its methodological breakdowns. This qualitative study and descriptive objectives had the participation of 60 interviewed consumers.

Relevance/originality: The Theory of Basic Human Values has been updated in recent years, until the proposal on the existence of a new domain of personal values on the welfare and rights of animals. Therefore, this study verifies the existence of this value in the behavioral context of consumption. Furthermore, studies on personal values contribute to the literature regarding the understanding of the motivation to adhere to a healthy diet.

Results: The study identified that personal values of personal safety, hedonism and achievement are the main guides in the consumption of healthy yogurts.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: The theoretical contribution of the study refers to proof and reinforcement of the existence of a personal value oriented towards animal welfare and concern. On the other hand, the methodological contribution refers to the simultaneous use of two cutoff points to interpret the information illustrated by the Hierarchical Values Map, highlighting the relevant aspects and potential alternatives for communication strategies.


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Author Biographies

Alberdan José da Silva Teodoro, Federal University of Lavras - UFLA

Master in Administration


Daniel Carvalho de Rezende, Federal University of Lavras - UFLA

PhD in Marketing

Luiz Henrique de Barros Vilas Boas, Federal University of Lavras - UFLA

PhD in Marketing

Américo Pierangeli Costa, Federal University of Brasilia - UnB

Doctor in Administration


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How to Cite

Teodoro, A. J. da S., Rezende, D. C. de, Vilas Boas, L. H. de B., & Costa, A. P. (2023). Personal values that motivate the consumption of healthy yoghurts. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 21(5), 1574–1630.