Information and property rights:

influences of measurement on strategies in dairy agro-industrial system




Property rights protection, Measurement Costs Economics, Strategies, Information, Dairy Agroindustrial System


Objective: To understand the effect of information on property rights protection and its consequences for the dairy agro-industrial system in Paraná-BR and Midi-Pyrénées-FR.

Methodology/approach: Descriptive qualitative cross-sectional study. Semi-structured interviews carried out with producers, processors, and key agents in the surveyed regions (Paraná-BR and the former region of Midi-Pyrénées-FR). The information was analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method, supported by the NvivoPro software.

Originality/relevance: With primary data collected in two countries (Brazil and France), and the empirical exploration of Measurement Costs Economics (MCE), the article advances the discussion on the possession of information and protection of property rights in the dairy agro-industrial system and the generation of positive effects in the system.

Main results: In regions where reliable information is shared between agents (Central-Eastern and Western Paraná, formerly Midi-Pyrénées), with contracts and differentiated payment according to the milk dimensions and its quality, efficiency was found by lower transaction and measurement costs, and investments in production by producers. In regions where information is unreliable and differences in product dimensions do not guide payment (North and West of Paraná), inefficiencies were identified, as well as a lack of investment in production.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: Based on the empirical exploration of MCE, a methodological orientation is proposed for the theory application, in the understanding of the organizational dynamics, in productive chains, when considering property rights guarantee, through measurement. This allows similar works to be replicated in other regions, and may support future studies aimed at formatting appropriate public regulations to avoid the observed discrepancies.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Andrea Gómez Winkler Sudré, Federal University of Paraná - UFPR - Curitiba / Paraná


José Paulo de Souza, State University of Maringá - UEM - Maringá / Paraná


Melise Dantas Machado Bouroullec, Université de Toulouse, INRAE, INP-PURPAN, UMR AGIR, Castanet-Tolosan, France



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How to Cite

Sudré, C. A. G. W., Souza, J. P. de, & Bouroullec, M. D. M. (2023). Information and property rights: : influences of measurement on strategies in dairy agro-industrial system. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 22(1), e24155.