International trade and protection of workers from the perspective of the ILO and WTO
International trade, Worker protection, International labor lawAbstract
This article seeks a critical understanding of the debate established within the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) about the weakening of worker protection in the multilateral trade system. While in the WTO the question of introducing issues unrelated to free trade is questioned in the interpretation of its legal texts, in the ILO the criticism is centered on the absence of a coercive power structure for the fulfillment of its rules. In this perspective, using the hypothetical-deductive method, the historical evolution of the treatment of workers in international trade is analyzed. Without disregarding the need to improve the effectiveness of its normative systems, the hypothesis arises that, in order to overcome this weakness in the protection of workers, pragmatic strategies parallel to the ILO and the WTO have been proposed.
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