Amazon cultural knowledge and culture as praxis: an analysis under the theory of the use of Zygmunt Bauman
Use theory, Cultural knowledge, Amazon.Abstract
The present study deals with a qualitative educational research carried out in the rich cultural diversity of the Beira Amazonas region, in the state of Amapá, which investigates: What are the contributions of the theory of use, based on Zygmunt Bauman, to the cultural analysis of the Amapaense Amazon? Its general objective: to analyze the theory of use, based on the principles of the author Zygmunt Bauman, in the cultural context of the Amapaense Amazon in the sense of understanding the knowledge of the region. Specifically, it is necessary to describe the history of the concept of culture, differentiate the theory of use from other theories of cultural analysis and identify the Amazonian cultural knowledge from the categories of the theory of use of Zygmunt Bauman. The methodology is based on the qualitative approach, based on the case study, with the semi-structured interview as a data collection technique. The data were analyzed through content analysis. It was found that the theory of use has great contributions in the analysis of the Amazonian cultural universe in view of its peculiar singularity, as well as collaborating in the understanding of the cultural richness of this Amazonian universe in times of globalizing cultural hybridizations in the age of liquid modernity.Downloads
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