The interactive digital book and children's subjectivity
digital book; children's literature; multiliteracies; subjectivity; writingAbstract
This paper presents a study on the children's interactive digital books or eBooks. My objective is to analyze the relations between interactive digital reading and children's subjectivity. This article is a bibliographic review and for this debate it was analyzed the proposals of the following authors: Lev Semenovich Vigotsky, Roger Chartier and Roxane Rojo. Vigotsky ponders the relation of subjectivity and children's thinking, Chartier presents the book's history and the relation between reading and Western society and Rojo discusses regarding reading on the screen and proposes a pedagogy of multiliteracies. The results obtained show that children interact in different ways with the eBook that goes beyond reading and writing and that it is a possible resource to be used in school in the process of literacy and initial reading instruction.
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