Classes integrais at colégio estadual do Paraná
the teaching of the english language
classes integrais; Colégio Estadual do Paraná; english teachingAbstract
This article, whose content is part of a master’s thesis, exposes the result of documental research on the teaching of English in Classes Integrais – an alternative teaching proposal for secondary education at Colégio Estadual do Paraná, in the 60s. Because it was a historically and politically important time, it is interesting to observe how the teaching of this language was structured. Thus, in this research, we analyzed language teaching in the following aspects: which languages were offered, which content was worked on, and how teaching was performed; highlighting the preference for the English language to the detriment of others. Therefore, this historical analysis has as its source not only the bibliographical research but also the official reports of the teachers who worked at that school.
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