The integral training proposals of the Federal Institute of São Paulo: from the 2007 base document to the 2019 reference curricula
comprehensive training, middle-level professional education, base document, reference resumes, Federal Institute of Education of São PauloAbstract
Since the 1990s, different proposals for curriculum reform have been proposed and implemented with the aim of preparing young people for the job market, with emphasis on reforms that were guided by the pedagogy of competences. It is in this context of reforms and guidelines that the educational institutions responsible for offering secondary and professional education have sought to organize their curricula, trajectories and courses. Our objective in this text is to present how the Federal Institute of Education of São Paulo (IFSP) elaborates its reference curricula in the midst of this reformist process. From the documents that support the curricular reorganization of the courses, it was decided to analyze the curriculum proposed by the IFSP in a macro way, to illustrate some assumptions contained in the documents, verifying the main characteristics of the educational policy instituted through the reference curricula in education mid-level professional.
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