The Unified Educational Center (CEU) as a place of teacher training in view of an educating city
unified educational center, education for ethnic-racial relations, teacher training, educational territories, educating city.Abstract
This article highlights the role played by the Unified Educational Center (CEU) in offering continuing education courses related to Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations, between 2013 and 2016. In it, we present the results obtained from exploratory research in the Official Diary of the city of São Paulo and on the Portal of the Municipal Education Department of São Paulo, such as the number of offers, the CEUs involved in this training policy and the consolidation of the partnership between the CEUs Coordination and the Ethnic-Racial Education Nucleus. We relate the events offered at the CEUs to the training policy, implemented by the Municipal Department of Education during the analysed period, and the research explains the CEUs as privileged spaces for the implementation of training policies focused on affirmative action. The CEU equipment emerges as a privileged space to enable the training of educators from the conceptual debate, but also enables cultural experience. This perspective is in line with the Charter of Educating Cities, which advocates the promotion of diversity. We emphasize that during the research the activities revealed the struggles and conquest of indigenous and black peoples. Interculturality modifies school culture and the way teachers, students, managers and the community place themselves in multiple interpersonal relationships. In this regard, the school becomes a space for the meeting of multiple knowledges.
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