Notes for a pedagogy of helplessness: ethics, aesthetics and alterity as principles of freedom




aesthetics, ethic, education, freedom, helplessness


This work aims to reflect on the ethical-political connection between Schiller’s project of aesthetic education and the human condition of helplessness, seen as a central element in the constitution of subjectivity. The objective is to relate his conception of sensibility to a pedagogy oriented toward freedom, highlighting the recognition of nostalgic strangeness as the foundation for the formation of the self in communion. The first part addresses the inclusion of the other in a relational dimension, which defines the political arrangement in its articulation with ethics, considering it as a condition for access to sensibility and as part of a notion of freedom that involves the subject’s self-development. The second part explores sensitive coexistence as a foundation for thinking about the formative character of aesthetics, understanding sensibility as a libertarian educational demand, sustained by helplessness as a concrete possibility of alterity, realized through the recognition of differences. The goal is to open space for a formative process that values coexistence and evolves in the pursuit of a way of life in communion.



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Author Biography

Guilherme Lucian, Federal University of Goiás

Psychoanalyst, PhD in Communication from the Faculty of Information and Communication at the Federal University of Goiás, researcher at the Center for Studies in Education, Violence, Childhood, Diversity, and Art (NEVIDA), and psychologist from the Faculty of Education at the same institution, where he is currently a doctoral candidate in Education, focusing on the research line of Culture and Educational Processes.


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How to Cite

LUCIAN, Guilherme. Notes for a pedagogy of helplessness: ethics, aesthetics and alterity as principles of freedom. EccoS – Revista Científica, [S. l.], n. 71, p. e25701, 2024. DOI: 10.5585/eccos.n71.25701. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.
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