Asset maintenance in the context of industry 4.0: a bibliometric and systematic analysis
asset maintenance, Industry 4.0, Cost, Bibliometry, Systematic analysisAbstract
This article aims to investigate the recent scientific production on asset maintenance in the context of Industry 4.0. For this, a systematic review of the literature was made, combining a bibliometric study and content analysis of recent articles dealing with the topic of interest in this work. As a result, 225 articles were identified, of which 7 that deal with the topic of generating savings in the cost of maintenance were considered for further analysis. As a conclusion, it was observed that in the context of maintenance in the era of industry 4.0, there is still a shortage and need for studies and practical applications, which provide adequate learning and help in understanding and improving technologies. This work brings theoretical contributions as it identifies research gaps and suggested some opportunities to be considered in future studies on the subject. For the practice the knowledge exposed here may become a guide for managers in the Maintenance areas on the main topics that associate asset maintenance management and the requirements of I 4.0 technologies.
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