Identificação dos elementos para priorização de projetos de indústria 4.0 com base nos modelos de maturidade e prontidão
Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, Model Maturity, Model Readiness, Project PrioritizationAbstract
This research aims to identify the main elements of Industry 4.0's maturity and readiness models, with regard to project prioritization. Through a bibliometric and systematic review of the literature, with the purpose of theoretically contributing to the deepening of the theme and, thus, analyzing and gathering the research already available. Network and content analysis was performed to identify gaps in the literature. The main bibliometric findings highlighted the concentration of articles in Germany and Italy, but it can be observed that in recent years this research has been decentralized to other countries. After analyzing the clusters, the author Basl J. was highlighted, for presenting the largest number of publications. With regard to network analysis, the Maturity and Readiness Models, and the I4.0 Implementation and Evaluation Process showed greater relevance. It was observed that theoretical proposals, in addition to integrations of methodologies to incorporate the projects of I. 4.0. were very relevant to foster this research. Despite the relevance of the theme, there are still few works related to the prioritization of projects. That the choices, difficulties and success factors need to be clearly aligned with the strategies adopted, and that even if there is an intention or a level of readiness, the path to a high level of maturity requires significant changes in companies and can take some time, to have a synergy between products, processes, and the organization's strategies and its supply chain.
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