digital transformation, industry 4.0, knowledge management and sharing, digital technologies, bibliometricsAbstract
The digital transformation, driven by Industry 4.0, promotes a volatile and competitive environment and accelerates the development of innovative technologies, sometimes incompatible with traditional practices. It is necessary for organizations to reshape their intellectual capital, considering issues of knowledge management and sharing. This article seeks to analyze, through systematic review and bibliometrics, which technologies and economic sectors tend to be associated with these issues, using categorization of papers, statistical analyses and a word cloud. The results show that there is an exponential growth in number of researches – due to increased competitiveness – and that the academic sector is predominant, followed by the manufacturing sector. There is a lot of variation considering technological contexts, but information and communication technologies, pillars of Industry 4.0, are predominant. Understanding where digital technologies – increasingly relevant – are being applied is fundamental for public and private backgrounds. This research may be expanded in the future, including new papers.
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