Collaboration between auto parts suppliers using resources of industry 4.0:
a bibliometric and systematic literature review
Collaboration. Suppliers. Auto parts. Industry 4.0. Industrie 4.0Abstract
This research seeks to carry out a bibliometric and systematic review of the literature to verify what has been done about the collaboration between auto parts suppliers regarding the aspects of using the resources available in Industry 4.0, with the purpose of promoting suggestions for future research and finding gaps in the literature. As for the number of publications on bibliometric aspects raised, they indicate that the most relevant authors on the topic are, Patricia J. Daugherty e Changyou Zhang. The nature of research most used by the authors is quantitative, but the indexes show a certain balance between these choices. The country that has published the most on the subject is the United States of America followed by China. 970 articles were searched electronically, in 11 databases; with the identification of 23 relevant articles from journals, which mentioned some of the search terms in the summary, conclusion, results and discussion. The articles were analyzed based on keywords in the English language (Collaboration, Suppliers, Auto parts and Industry 4.0), cognate words and a German term (Industrie 4.0). The years of most publication of the articles were 2001, 2005, 2013 and 2020, with respectively 3 publications each. The lack of works that refer to the Collaboration between the Auto Parts Suppliers Using Resources of Industry 4.0, was evident.
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