Vol. 17 No. 3 (2019): (jul./set.)

Published: 2019-09-30


  • Analysis of the impact of shocks on interest rate Selic and the IPI on industrial production

    Alfa Iaia Sidico Samate, Renata Barros de Lima, André Marques Cavalcanti, André de Souza Melo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.7470
  • Use of the skip-lot sampling plan for increasing the index of courts inspected in the refrigeration industry

    Wellinton Mariano de Almeida, Mauricio Johnny Loos
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.7865
  • Six Sigma methodology for loss reduction in soybean transfer in a grain beneficiary unit

    Daiane Maria De Genaro Chiroli, Fernanda Biazetto, Rafael Bianchini Glavam
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.8398
  • Modeling for evaluating competitivity in technology-based firms

    Aline Martins dos Santos, Julio Cezar Mairesse Siluk, Taís Bisognin Garlet, Rafael Marcuzzo, Fernando de Souza Savian, Jordana Rech Graciano dos Santos
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.8260
  • Development of educational software to support location and routing teaching

    José Aurir Gonçalves Almeida Junior, Heráclito Lopes Jaguaribe Pontes, Marcos Ronaldo Albertin
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.8444
  • Applicability of lean production practices in service operations: an analysis through the volume and variety perspective

    Taíse Câmara Brito, Luciano Costa Santos
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.8384
  • Investments in industrial project: an analysis by real options in discrete time

    Danilo Simões, Izabelle Martinez Martinez, Antônio Carlos Cabral, Gislaine Cristina Batistela
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.8172
  • Defining perfomance indicators for projects: a qualitative analysis of the literature

    Rômulo Andrade de Souza Neto, Gabriela Figueiredo Dias, Marlene Medeiros, Aline Soares Dantas, Manoel Veras de Sousa Neto
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.8203
  • A linear programming optimization model applied to the decision-making process of a Brazilian e-commerce company

    Fabrício Almeida, João Paulo Barbieri, José Arnaldo Montevechi, José Henrique Gomes, Alexandre Pinho
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.8503
  • Use of the DEA-Sharpe technique in the analysis of the portfolio investment behaviour

    André Andrade Longaray, Alisson Fabras Sa, Catia Maria dos Santos Machado, Paulo Roberto Munhoz, Vilmar Gonçalves Tondolo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.8537
  • Forecasting methods of generation of waste electrical and electronic equipment: a systematic review

    Jaqueline Terezinha Martins Corrêa Rodrigues, Liane Werner
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.8301
  • Lean Six Sigma in the Logistics of the Loading Process of a Paper Mill

    Marina Langoni Linares, Eliane da Silva Christo, Kelly Alonso Costa
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n3.8520