Violence according to a criminological-cultural analysis: a case study based on the consequences of The Last of Us – part II
violence, technology, cultural criminology, gamesAbstract
The present research promotes a debate between the criminological-cultural explanation about violence and its approach in the game The Last of Us - part II, encompassing its presentation during history and its effects in the empirical field. The research problem focuses on: how is the topic of violence treated in the game The Last of Us – part II, and what are its consequences? The main objective is to analyze the discussions, beyond the usual, about violence through an interactive media, with multiple effects (whether in the work itself, in the players or even in the people involved outside the digital field). Therefore, initially the deductive logic, the monographic procedure method, and the indirect documentation research technique are adopted as the approach method. Finally, it is concluded that, although it is a piece of the cultural industry, the work under analysis subverts the public's expectations regarding violence, introducing important aspects for social reflection, having resulted in odious reactions that are linked to the social context contemporary and discriminatory processes that still exist.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Felipe da Veiga Dias; Francielli Bressan

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