Acts in dignity violation of justice and sanction in numerus clausus: interpretation of the Civil Procedure Code


  • Renato Horta Rezende



Dignity of Justice. Sanction. Systematic Interpretation.


The current CCP has expanded the list of articles dealing with the conduct and sanctions imposed on acts that violate the dignity of justice. It was investigated in this article what sanctions, limits, subjects and destination of any credits deriving from the conduct listed in articles 161 and sole paragraph of art. 918, both of CCP, being proposed as a hypothesis the systematic interpretation; the presentation of penalties and conduct in a closed list; and the fractional systematics in gender and species. It was concluded by the confirmation of the hypotheses proposed.


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Author Biography

Renato Horta Rezende

Mestre em Direito pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito da Universidade Fumec (2016); graduado em Direito pela Fundação Universidade de Itaúna (2004); Advogado inscrito na Seccional Minas Gerais (2005); Professor de Legislação Ambiental, Legislação Acidentária e Previdenciária, Organizações e Normas Técnicas, Direito Minerário, Direito do Trabalho, Legislação profissional e ética no CEB-CECON (2007-2011); Professor de Direito Civil no CFDs da APMMG (2014); árbitro inscrito no CONFEJAB (2015).



How to Cite

REZENDE, Renato Horta. Acts in dignity violation of justice and sanction in numerus clausus: interpretation of the Civil Procedure Code. Prisma Juridico, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 2, p. 341–370, 2017. DOI: 10.5585/prismaj.v16n2.7306. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.
  • Abstract 325
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 3750