Nanotechnological products and the consumers protection


  • Antonio Carlos Efing PUCPR
  • Rudinei Jose Ortigara



Nanotechnologies. Risks. Vulnerability of Consumer Protection. Lack of Regulatory Marches. Principle of Information. Constitutional Solidarism.


This article has scope for reflection on the possibilities for realization of consumer protection in front of the consumer market nanotechnological products, even at the absence of specific regulatory frameworks. Building on the findings of the benefits and potentials of new technologies of manipulation of matter at extreme small scale, it turns out that may pose risks to consumers, admittedly vulnerable in consumer relations. Still, it is clear that it is not the practice of nanoproducts vendors present such information, an essential factor for the education and for the training of consumer decision. In this way, and at the constitutional and consumer protection of principles, it was concluded that even in the absence of regulatory frameworks, it is the duty of the provider and consumer rights to be informed, given that this aspect is essential for social protection and obligation to all stakeholders before the constitutional solidarism.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Carlos Efing, PUCPR

Mestre e Doutor pela PUCSP; professor titular da PUCPR (Curitiba, PR-Brasil) onde leciona na graduação, especializações, mestrado e doutorado; professor da Escola da Magistratura do Paraná; membro do Instituto dos Advogados do Paraná; Advogado militante em Curitiba.

Rudinei Jose Ortigara

Professor na área de Direito, Filosofia e Humanas na FAE. Advogado. Mestrando em Direito pela PUCPR. Especialista em Fundamentos de Ética pela PUCPR. Licenciatura em Filosofia pela FAE Centro Universitário.



How to Cite

EFING, Antonio Carlos; ORTIGARA, Rudinei Jose. Nanotechnological products and the consumers protection. Prisma Juridico, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 2, p. 287–313, 2017. DOI: 10.5585/prismaj.v16n2.7520. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.
  • Abstract 170
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 158