Social media brand engagement and perceived risk in purchase: a conceptual framework
Social Media Communication, Firm Generated Content, User-Generated Content, Customer-Based Brand Equity, Social Media Brand Engagement, Perceived Risk in PurchaseResumo
Objective of the study: This research paper aims to develop a conceptual framework based on an extensive literature review in the area of social media communication (SMC) consisting of Firm Generated Content (FGC) and User Generated Content (UGC) to unearth their influences on social media brand engagement (SMBE) and customer-based brand equity (CBBE). The role played by perceived risk is also highlighted.
Methodology/approach: This study has critically evaluated the literature to propose the conceptual framework using 101 research articles from 1974 to 2023 that directly or indirectly comprised at least one of the constructs.
Main results: This literature review found contradictory results regarding which source is more credible on social media, the firm or the user. This empirical gap is firstly deliberated. Secondly, the disparity on whether engagement drives equity or equity drives engagement on social media led to the conceptual gap. The conceptual model is formulated based on this debate.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: While the independent constructs are drawn from the elaboration likelihood model and source credibility theory, the mediating role of SMBE is posited based on the social identity theory.
Relevance/originality: In the context of social media, this conceptual model highlights the mediating effect of brand engagement and the moderating effect of perceived risk between social media communication and CBBE. The influence of mediation and moderation could explain the path to CBBE more explicitly.
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