International marketing strategies adopted in the franchise internationalization process: a multiple case study in the apparel industry


  • Alexandre Degani Cantoni Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – ESPM, São Paulo, (Brasil).
  • Thelma Valéria Rocha ESPM-SP
  • Renata Fernandes Galhanone ESPM
  • Maria Lucia Righetti ESPM-SP



International Marketing, Firm Internationalization, Franchising, International Franchising, Marketing Strategy.


Objective: This study investigates the antecedents of three Brazilian franchisors’ internationalization processes in relation to their international marketing strategies. The literature review discusses the theme focusing on adaptation versus standardization of the marketing strategy.
Method: A theoretical model is proposed for the empirical investigation including the internal and external internationalization antecedents, the international marketing strategy, and the firm´s degree of internationalization. A qualitative, exploratory, empirical investigation based on a multiple-case study was conducted with three large Brazilian franchisors in the fashion industry. 
Relevance: The study highlights the relevance of international branding for the internationalization process as well as the role partners/franchisees play in building and managing brand image abroad.
Results: The results show that the most important antecedents in the franchisors’ internationalization process were at the firm level (company size, resources, and capabilities; brand strength; international orientation, and experience), with special emphasis on the brand as a crucial asset. The international marketing strategies were to both adapt the marketing elements to the needs and characteristics of the host market and centralize strategic decisions to maintain a consistent brand image. This posture follows the semi-global marketing strategy. 
Theoretical contribution: This study contributes to the knowledge about the factors that influence the decision to internationalize and the international marketing strategies used by Brazilian franchisors abroad. Managerial recommendations are presented for franchisors seeking internationalization. 


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Author Biographies

Thelma Valéria Rocha, ESPM-SP

Professora da área de Marketing Internacional do PMDGI e do MPCC da ESPM. É doutora em Administração com ênfase em Marketing pela FEA-USP. Mestre em Administração Mercadológica pela EAESP/ FGV com especialização em International Business pela Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) Suécia. 

Renata Fernandes Galhanone, ESPM

Pós-doutoranda (CAPES) na área de Marketing Internacional do Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Gestão Internacional (PMDGI) da ESPM. Pós-doutorado em Administração de Empresas no Centro Universitário da FEI-SP, com foco em comportamento do consumidor. Doutora e mestre em Administração de Empresas com ênfase em Marketing pela FEA-USP. Pós-graduação em Marketing pela ESPM – SP

Maria Lucia Righetti, ESPM-SP

Consultora e professora de Marketing e Mestranda em Administração pela Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM)



How to Cite

Cantoni, A. D., Rocha, T. V., Galhanone, R. F., & Righetti, M. L. (2019). International marketing strategies adopted in the franchise internationalization process: a multiple case study in the apparel industry. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 18(2), 19–53.